[Evolution] Cyrus IMAP and avolution 0.4.1

I have question. Is anybody who use evolution with cyrus imap server?

I trace communication between 
1) evolution client and server
2) xfmail client and server (it works with cyrus)
My setting in evolution is 
imap://name imap tmapy cz/

I attach 4 files with communication between 2 clients and cyrus server

I hope this help you.

I think evolution need to send
A003 LIST "" "*"



Pavel Lisy <pali tmapy cz>
T-MAPY s.r.o., Nezvalova 850, Hradec Kralove, 500 02
tel. +420 49 5513335, http://www.tmapy.cz

O  MAPACH VIME VSE: http://www.tmapserver.cz

Attachment: evolution2cyrus.lst
Description: evolution2cyrus.lst

Attachment: cyrus2xfmail.lst
Description: cyrus2xfmail.lst

Attachment: cyrus2evolution.lst
Description: cyrus2evolution.lst

Attachment: xfmail2cyrus.lst
Description: xfmail2cyrus.lst

O  MAPACH VIME VSE: http://www.tmapserver.cz

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