Re: [Evolution] A Few Suggestions for Evolution

Justin Mason wrote:
        +   Handle connection failures properly
                (tick) cache partially-downloaded blahs
                -      rewrite blah.c to do foo
                -      gracefully handle foo errors in bar
        -   Buy food

A better idea, one that I was long pondering about, is to make
a task in the TODO tree have either status "unfinished", "finished"
or "subtree". If it's a finished or unfinished, it has progress
of 0% or 100%, while if it's a subtree, it cannot be ticked itself(!),
but displays a recursive percentage of all tasks below it.
(if at some time you decide a task is finished without completing
the sub-tasks, you should delete the sub-tasks).
Maybe tasks could also have a priority bar (a small horizontal
bar at the bottom of the tree?), which'll define a priority number
(relative to other numbers) so the task's status would be
given more weight while calculating the percentage of the upper node.
If you wish to have a varying percentage, you'll have to break the
task into subtasks, which makes sense and organizes stuff IMHO.

Also, would make sense to separate TODOs - one for work, one for
personal - in a separate bar, not just separate tree node.

And how's about sharing the TODO? (e.g. having a common TODO
at the workplace, with some tasks you couldn't tick but should
await for the other person to finish before the master task becomes
100% complete).

Best regards,
Ilya Konstantinov

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