Re: [Evolution] more on the contact manager...

Is it or will it be possible to create vfolders based on the contacts
and calendar folders?  On the comming Trash folder?  
vfolders are a mail thing. Although Ettore, Peter and I were talking
about having a "search storage" (a "storage" is one of the top-level
items in the tree view) the other day, which would act like vfolders
potentially across components. This would depend on having the
cross-component search feature, which we don't have yet.

I think I read here once that vfolders would be an inbox only thing
which is kind of sad...
They were never meant to be inbox-only, just mail-only. The new
vfolder implementation (I think it was in 0.3? If not, it's in the
current CVS and will be in 0.4) allows you to make your vfolders
select from whatever folders you want.

-- Dan

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