Re: [Evolution-hackers] Taskwarrior plugin for evolution

On Tue, 2017-05-23 at 12:22 +0100, Ankur Sinha wrote:
I was wondering if someone could give me a few tips on whether it
would be possible to integrate taskwarrior with evolution's tasks?

you might want to write a Tasks backend for evolution-data-server and a
configuration extension for evolution. The closest is probably the
Google Tasks backend, which resides here:
while you would need all except the e-gdata-oauth2-authorizer.* files.

The configuration extension is here:

I suggest to target 3.25.2+ version, thus the current development,
where evolution-data-server contains ECalMetaBackend, which hides all
the boring stuff about evolution(-data-server) internals and lets you
focus on the important parts, like getting events from the server,
saving them to the server, remove them, convert from/to iCalendar
structures (if needed) and so on [1]. The Google Tasks backend already
derives from it.

If you'd like to propose it as a feature request and have it included
in evolution-data-server and evolution, then I do not see any issue
with it.



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