Re: [Evolution-hackers] Regarding API breakage and lost test cases

On Monday 01 of October 2012 20:41:07 Tristan Van Berkom wrote:
> Hi,
>     It's recently come to my attention that a vast API break[0] has
> been introduced in the last (3.6) cycle of EDS.
> Unfortunately this also breaks the vast majority of the test cases
> in EDS proper as well as the benchmarking tests[1] we've been using
> to track EDS performance over releases.
> After looking through about 1 year's worth of archives, I was
> only able to find a single thread[2] remotely related to this
> subject so, I'd like to at least raise the question, What is the
> rationale behind this API breakage in the 3.6 release ?


check this thread [0], probably what you are looking for.

> And more practically speaking, is there any clear migration path
> towards the new APIs using the ESourceRegistry ?


> I'd like to lend a hand in reviving the buried test cases, currently
> the trial-and-error approach is rather costly so any advice on the
> topic would be greatly appreciated.

That would be great. Matthew will be back next week and will be able to give 
you more information then I :)



> Best,
>       -Tristan
> [0]
> 1af12e182b20987e65a9b60c5
> [1]
> volution-data-server/
> [2]
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