Re: [Evolution-hackers] WebKit port of the composer (Daniel Vratil)

On Fri, 2012-06-01 at 18:10 +0000, Daniel Vratil <dvratil redhat com>

> Hello hackers,
> I have nearly finished reworking the e-mail formatter (details in the other 
> mail) and I want to slowly turn my attention to the composer. It will be a lot 
> of work, but hopefully I'll make it for 3.6 (no, I WILL make it for 3.6!!!).

> If you have any special wish (I bet Andre will come with many feature requests 
> from bugzilla :P ) you'd like to have in the new composer, please share them 
> now. Regarding features, I want to make exact copy of GtkHTMLEditor and only 
> fix the most annoying GtkHTML issues, all crazy ideas will be deferred for 3.8 
> :) 

The main feature change I would like to see is not defaulting to
'preformatted text' under certain conditions. Currently it does this
(and bugs me) when doing
- 'edit as new message' and wanting to change the body text
- re-editting a draft to change the body text

Note sure how easy that would be to change, but would make my life
easier if it could!


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