Re: [Evolution-hackers] PIM server synchronization and Evolution online/offline state

On Thu, 2012-04-05 at 08:31 -0400, Matthew Barnes wrote:
> Need to think on that some more, but can we at least agree that
> capability would be _in addition_ to the properties I proposed for
> EBackend, so I can start implementing a few of them?

I would say no :) At least not before your account management branch is
merged. This stuff does not block the account management branch in any
means, as far as I can tell, thus why to pile one more thing there, or
even postpone its finishment more? I'm trying to avoid invasive work (in
certain level) on master just to make your live easier, but if it's
absolutely free for commits, then I'm going to replace deprecated
glib/gtk symbols just to have it done early. :)

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