Re: [Evolution-hackers] PIM server synchronization and Evolution online/offline state

On Thu, 2012-04-05 at 12:05 +0200, Christian Hilberg wrote:
> This is why I propose a dedicated offline state, which is not dependent on
> network availability, and which is visible to the user by being displayed
> in each client that connects to E-D-S. Such a state makes it very clear to
> both, user and backends, how to act and what to expect during the workflow
> (for instance, there cannot be any sync conflicts while working in offline
> mode - the user just plainly does not expect to see any in this case).
> It also seems that online or offline is not a state the E-D-S clients need
> to maintain, but it is rather a status E-D-S itself maintains (and tells it
> to its backends as well as to any client that connects and has the capability
> to display E-D-S's current status). Once a client requests E-D-S to change
> online/offline operational mode, the change request can be propagated to
> both, all backends which do implement a notion of online/offline operational
> mode, as well as to any client connected to E-D-S which has the capability
> of showing E-D-S state.

Need to think on that some more, but can we at least agree that
capability would be _in addition_ to the properties I proposed for
EBackend, so I can start implementing a few of them?

Trying to get consensus on some initial steps here and not debate this
to perfection before anything gets done.


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