Re: [Evolution-hackers] bug fixing in stable 2.22.x branch

Am Dienstag, den 02.09.2008, 14:43 +0530 schrieb Srinivasa Ragavan:
> I think this should be discussed at d-d-l/release-team than lowering it
> to Evolution/any-other-project. We currently follow GNOME cycle, as you
> know. Unless we hit to a serious issue, you will be always be the
> waiting for a release, where as developers would waiting for a more
> better time to do it. 

Maintainers are always free to push more releases or releases in-between
the schedule in case of serious issues, but it's up to them to decide
because they know the severity of the fixes best. I don't see sense in
discussing this on r-t basis, we already have enough releases in a
cycle. ;-)

andre (r-t)
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