Re: [Evolution-hackers] mmap() for the summary file


Dirk-Jan Binnema nokia com wrote:
> Hmmmm... I am not really convinced yet; I mean even when I have
> 100 mails with the same email address in my Inbox (which seems 
> a lot from one person!). The email-address would be 20 chars; now having
> 'm all in one string saves me, even in this extreme case, only
> about 2Kb, event forgetting about the overhead of the hash tables etc.

as long as we talk about individual senders this is true, but if you think about
 mailinglists and all this automated server notifications this could save quite
some memory. As long as it is possible to implement this without a too big
effort and code overhead it would be useful. Of course - even saving 100kb which
would be optimistic for a huge mailbox is not be worth to mention on a modern
PC - but on a mobile device that would be nice to have.



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