Re: [Evolution-hackers] About evolution-data-server/libedataser and evolution/e-utils

Hi, are not the only files that are duplicated. Most of the
files in evolution/e-util have similar copies in
evolution-data-server/libedataserver. We are worried that in the future,
if files in libedataserver are modified with their counterparts in
e-util unchanged, more annoying bugs will come into being. 

	BTW, we've debugged with evolution-2.6 under Linux and found that
functions e-util/md5-utils.c were wrongly used too. The reason why
evolution survives under linux with this mistake is probably due to the
differences between Linux and Solaris structures. 

	You may have a try by setting a breakpoint at
camel_vee_folder_has_folder, print ctx (you'll see no doByteReverse
here), and step in to md5_init, also print *ctx, now, doByteReverse
comes out somehow.



On Thu, 2005-11-24 at 18:09, Harish Krishnaswamy wrote:
> On Thu, 2005-11-24 at 09:27 +0000, Ross Burton wrote:
> > On Thu, 2005-11-24 at 09:19 +0000, Ross Burton wrote:
> > > On Thu, 2005-11-24 at 16:33 +0800, Irene wrote:
> > > > Currently, the MD5Context structures in
> > > > evolution-data-server/libedataserver/md5-utils.h and
> > > > evolution/e-utils/md5-utils.h are different with the first one not
> > > > having a doByteReverse member. 
> > > 
> > > Hm, that would be my fault: I've been working with e-d-s and cleaned up
> > > the libedataserver/md5-utils to remove the doByteReverse member.  The
> > > obvious solution is to remove md5-utils from e-utils.
> > 
> > It looks as if the md5-utils in e-util isn't used at all in Evolution,
> > OK to remove it from evolution HEAD?
> I agree. Mailer guys, anyone think otherwise ?
> > Ross
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