Re: [Evolution-hackers] Querying Evolution with a contact's UID

On Thu, 2005-06-30 at 22:20 +0800, Not Zed wrote:
> Sushma,
> You now being the calendar maintainer (-;, any ideas for Tom on this
> issue?

Here's a small program that illustrates the problem (at least on my
machine); note that the "is uid blah" query returns zero contacts but
when I get all contacts, the UID I'm looking for definitely exists:

[tom tom evtest]$ cat evtest.c ; echo "OUTPUT" ; ./evtest
#include <stdio.h>
#include <libebook/e-book.h>
#include <libebook/e-contact.h>
#include <libecal/e-cal.h>

int main(int argc, char* argv[]) {
  GError* error = 0;
  GList* results, *l = NULL;
  EBook* book = e_book_new_default_addressbook(&error);
  e_book_open(book, TRUE, &error);
  char* uid = "pas-id-42B70B7100000001";
  EBookQuery* query = e_book_query_from_string(g_strdup_printf ("(is
\"id\" \"%s\")", uid));
  e_book_get_contacts(book, query, &results, &error);
  printf("Number of contacts with uid %s is %d\n", uid,
  query = e_book_query_any_field_contains("");
  results = NULL;
  e_book_get_contacts(book, query, &results, &error);
  for (l = results; l; l = l->next) {
    EContact* ev_contact = E_CONTACT(l->data);
    if (!g_strcasecmp(e_contact_get(ev_contact, E_CONTACT_UID), uid)) {
      printf("Found a contact with uid %s, last name is %s\n", uid,
(char*)e_contact_get(ev_contact, E_CONTACT_GIVEN_NAME));
  return 0;
Number of contacts with uid pas-id-42B70B7100000001 is 0
Found a contact with uid pas-id-42B70B7100000001, last name is
jadmin jabber org

Weird, huh?  I must be doing something wrong... just not sure what...



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