Re: [Evolution-hackers] camel into eds

On Thu, 2004-11-11 at 09:27 +0800, Not Zed wrote:
> hrm, i sent this yesterday butit never showed up on the list.  trying
> again.
> i'm going to start moving camel into eds soon (on a branch, after i
> merge the messageinfo stuff back).  its too hard to do any other way,
> particularly since i want to use libdb to solve some problems and this
> is the only practical way for it to have access to it.
> this will also likely involve moving some e-util stuff into eds too.
> (i expect this plan to be vetoed before i do it, but it has to be
> brought up sooner rather than later).

Which part of the plan :-)?  I know hpj would be happy to have camel in
EDS so he can finish of the new select names stuff without c/ping a
bunch of code and harish would probably want to use the mime handling
stuff for icalendar attachments (in the ical format i believe they are
mime parts).  Perhaps this is a good time to break camel into the
mime/message handling and store/providers pieces that was discussed

JP Rosevear <jpr novell com>
Novell, Inc.

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