Re: [Evolution-hackers] Evolution's new website

On Tue, 2004-11-02 at 03:02 +0100, guenther wrote:
Looks great to me, good work, Garret. :-)

Some quick minor notes:

* I personally prefer a dark blue header (see ) and
  the well known logo (see ).

I had an earlier version with a blue header, but _everyone_ has a blue header, so I wanted to make this website a little different.  The green is nice.  (:

* The font "bitstream vera sans" doesn't look as good on my system as
  the Gnome default one. But that may be just a local issue...

Odd.  It looks great here.  What does it look like on your machine?

* FAQ section  (which still is on my todo list -- and in a half-assed
  state buried somewhere on this machine)

Can you make the FAQ available in some state?  I would really like some sort of FAQ up before this goes live.


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