Re: [Evolution-hackers] Evolution Future Roadmap

Hi JP,

Here are some things that I would like to see (enough to help with):


For GNOME integration work to continue, applications need better access to some of Evolution's widgets. For the clock applet we need access to (w/o compile type dependency on Evolution):

  - ESource management
  - Event editor
  - Task editor
  - Access to specific day view

User Interface

The combined UI is probably as good as it can get. To make further improvements the UI for each Component needs to be designed separately.


The sidebar contains three elements. Context information, sources, component buttons.

In mail, most people have many sources. The information widget and the component buttons restrict the number of sources that are visible. In Calendar, it is possible that the user will have many web calendars. In Contacts and Tasks I think it is unlikely that anyone will ever have more than a few sources. It seems we have not enough space in the sidebar in mail, and far more than we need in some of the others.

The component buttons are big, this is good. It helps users find them and use them. However, nice big icons on the desktop named: Mail, Calendars, Contacts, and Tasks are better! It is very difficult for a novice user to find the Calendar application. OS X sets a very good example here. Now that Evolution (hopefully) will be part of GNOME Desktop there is no reason to rely on the Shell as the "backplane" between the components. Use the GNOME Desktop itself for this purpose. If it isn't easy for the user to switch between apps then we have a problem with the desktop design we need to fix. However, I don't think we do. It is very easy to click between three or four applications that are running in the Window List applet.

The context information widget seems to exist only because Evolution is an application suite. If the components were separate some of this information could be conveyed in a) the title bar b) somewhere on the status bar.

   Status Bar Area

The offline/online toggle makes sense in Mail but is quite confusing in everything else.

     This area could be more effectively used by each component.

     For example:

A very simple dropdown could switch between Contact sources (a la Nautilus' parent folders dropdown)

   Search Bar

     Should be able to hide the search bar on a per component basis.


     New menu should only display items relevant to the current component.

     "Send / Receive" is confusing for everything but Mail.

     Settings should only display options for the current component.



Nothing really to say here. For most people, Evolution is an email program.


       DnD of contacts to anywhere as vCard (desktop included).


       Consolidate sidebars.  Move Tasks summary into the left sidebar.

       Reduce or remove the dependence on the toolbar.

I think making it a bit more document centric might be interesting. This could mean:

- when a day is activated (double clicked) open it in a new window (unless it is already open - then present it).

- when a time slot is activated in the day then open the EventEditor.

         - the day window defaults to show all the events of that day

- events should only be renamed using the context menu or the EventEditor (ie. the name label should not be directly editable).

- events should all be DnD items (can DnD events from one day to the next)


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