Re: [Evolution-hackers] Create task based on email

Celso Pinto wrote:
> I really need a feature on Evolution that allows me to create a new task
> based on the contents of an email. 
> It should work like this: I receive an email, right-click with mouse on
> it, choose Create task and the "New task" Dialog pops up with the
> contents of the email on it's description field (only text). 
> One other way, yet harder, would be to implement some kind of "symlink"
> between a task and an email.
> Because I want this available, I'm more than willing to do some coding,
> but I'm having some trouble finding out where to start, so I have some
> questions:
> 1) where can I find the "Task" struct?
> 2) how do I create a new task dialog? Should I signal some kind of
> Evolution service saying "i'd like to create a new task dialog and
> here's the contents" or can I execute some function that popup's up the
> New task-dialog?
> 3) Where can I find documentation about how the different pieces of
> evolution are put together, if there is one. Any UML?
> I'd really appreciate it if anyone can help me with these questions.

I'm looking for something similar to this.

When I send an email (I start a thread or topic) I want evolution to keep
me informed to changes of that thread of tell me something if there's no
response in a period of time.

So, maybe what we need is some kind of tracker that can link emails with
tasks and the calendar.

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