Re: [Evolution-hackers] NNTP cross-posting

Meilof wrote:

It would be nice indeed, but how should it be done? Just add a menu item with "Add new Post header" or something to the composer? Reply-to-all currently only answers to the current newsgroup (though it does also reply to the sender of the message)...

I did some hacking on the em-compser-hdrs, composer-utils and em-folder-selection-button and friends to make it support selecting multiple folders at once, and seems to work out quite well for me...


- (complete - NNTP support and everything) - (incremental - only this code)

It is not completely finshished (reply-to-all isn't implemented yet, and there are some ugly things in it, and now that I look at it, it contains some C++ comments as well), but I just wonder whether this is just about the way it should be implemented.

-- meilof wanadoo nl

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