Re: [Evolution-hackers] composer in e-d-s

On Mon, 2004-12-20 at 08:04 +0800, Not Zed wrote:
On Fri, 2004-12-17 at 11:11 -0500, JP Rosevear wrote:
On Fri, 2004-12-17 at 16:55 +0100, Rodrigo Moya wrote:
> Hi
> While starting to move the calendar editors to e-d-s, I came to the
> dependency on the composer (used for sending meeting invitations from
> the dialog), which stopped me on the move.
> So, as I see it, we have the following options:
> * move the composer to e-d-s. This is the option that convinces me the
> most, since it makes sense, if we really want to make all reusable
> things in Evolution easily reusable, to have the composer, along with
> the editors, categories API, etc, all in e-d-s.
> * have the dialogs rely on the composer in evo. This will make people
> with only e-d-s installed unable to send meeting invitations from the
> dialogs. For this, we'll just need the IDL files in e-d-s
> * don't move the dialogs. This is, at least for me, a no-option, since
> lots of applications will need the dialogs (ifolder, clock-applet,
> contact-lookup-applet, mrproject, etc)
> So, what do you think? Is moving the composer too much work?

I think there is another option, send the mail directly via camel.
Right now for the editors we never actually show the composer dialog.
This is a pretty difficult option too.

We don't actually send any mail "directly via camel", ever.  It needs lots of other info, and goes into special queues and so on.

BTW this also makes moving "the composer", a non-option.  It is very tightly integrated with the mail code, and cannot be removed from it without significant work (infact, it uses just about everything in evolution in some way or another apart from the calendar).  And even if it can be removed, it can't send mail itself, it only generates it (and so is infact a total waste for what you're using it for, if you never view the message before sending it).

So, yes, we can/should generate the message in camel, but we can't send it very easily.  Is there 'send raw mail' facility in gnome we could use, so that we don't specifically require evolution to send it?

Michael Zucchi <notzed ximian com>
"Ride, Work, Sleep. Beer."
Novell's Evolution and Free Software Developer

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