Re: [Evolution-hackers] functional specification for list view

Hi Anna,

Some suggestions for and questions about the Calendar list view.

Where you thinking at all of adding tasks to this view based on their
due date?

I agree that grouping would make this view much more useful. I think a
list does not lend itself to showing time relationships well. Being able
to group events by the day, week or month they occur in would help.

Would a meeting's status ( tentative vs. accepted vs. canceled ) be

Would all day events be differentiated from "normal" events? Would they
start at midnight?

Will people be allowed to add new events in this view? 

Will there be a way of showing meetings with conflicting/overlapping
times? I think this will be necessary if people are going to be able to
edit event times in the view.

Under other columns I would add a meeting organizer column.

By send do you mean schedule a meeting or forward as iCalendar?

I think it might be useful to provide a means of filtering/viewing the
list by date/time. The simplest would be to filter events occurring
between two dates. For example only display events that occur on M-F
this week. Though more sophisticated filters might be useful ( events
ending after 5:00 PM, starting before 10:00 AM on Mondays, etc. ). 

Other useful filters/views might include:
- meeting attendee(s)
- my/other attendee status
- meeting organizer

Would events that have their time shown as Free vs. Busy be

Would the fields in the preview pane be editable? That might be a nice
feature, but how difficult would it be to implement?

That's all I can think of for now.

Sincerely, Tim

On Tue, 2003-09-09 at 15:01, Anna Marie Dirks wrote:
> Greetings Calendar Hackers (and other interested parties): 
> I have prepared a functional specification for the list view of the
> Evolution 2.0 Calendar.
> Please find it online at:
> Please let me know what questions you have regarding it. I am happy to
> work with you guys to add or remove information from the spec as we deem
> appropriate (in terms of our resources, usability needs, and project
> goals). 
> I will be at an appointment for a goodly chunk of the rest of the
> afternoon -- there hence may be a bit of a lag in responding to your
> mails. Thanks for your patience.
> Anna

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