Re: [Evolution-hackers] Appointment and Meeting Editors -- 2.0 Thoughts

Hi Adam.

Thank you for replying. I'd like to ask you a few more questions about
your alarm usage. 

On Wed, 2003-10-01 at 21:35, Adam Williams wrote:

> I also use "count down alarms" all the time.  If I have a speaking
> engagement I'll set an alarm for when the information needs to be
> submitted, an alarm for when I think I should have it to editing,  a few
> days before so it doesn't slip my mind to take care of any last minute
> things, and one that morning to eliminate the possiblity of just
> forgetting.  

Do each of these alarms contain a different message? Or is it the case
that you have one alarm which you repeat at the intervals that you
specified above?

> The "To Do" part of evolution is really too simple for
> anything resembling a 'project' so multiple alarms are useful to augment
> the functionality.

So it sounds to me like what you are telling me is that if you could use
the "To Do" (or "Tasks") part of Evolution to help you remember and plan
your speaking engagements, then you would. Is that right? 

Besides alarms, is there anything else that the appointment editor
provides to you that the task editor doesn't, which you need to help you
plan a speaking engagement? 

(I'm trying to figure out if tweaks to the task editor would ultimately
be more useful to you than tweaks to the appointment editor. I am a bit
wary of trying to compensate for the inadequacies of the Tasks component
in this design. Ultimately, the appointment and task editors have
different intended functionality.) 

thanks and cheers,
Anna Marie Dirks <anna ximian com>

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