Re: [Evolution-hackers] Questions about Evolution mail/composer

Hi Michael,

	How refreshing to experience your positive outlook this morning,

On Fri, 2003-03-21 at 02:13, Not Zed wrote:
> It means you can't have 2 copies of the mailer running at the same time,
> which is what will happen if you try to access the composer component
> from another process, since bonobo is piece of shit.

	Pardon ? you seem to be excelling youself in the rudeness stakes today.
"Camel is like zebra !" - so there ;-)

	Joey - I think what NotZed is saying is that in evo-1.2 evo-mail was a
separate out of process component; thus if you activate that, you will
get a (semi) singleton process - that the whole desktop can talk to.

	In evo-1.4 it is a shlib process, and this means that it will be linked
into the calling application on demand => it is not a singleton per
desktop, and each app would link it in on activation which would cause
acute problems for you. Thus we need to activate the shell, and then try
and extract the mailer reference from it, since the shell is a
singleton[1]. Slightly unintuitive but inevitable.

	With respect to the incredibly insightful design criticism of bonobo -
of course Zucchi no doubt has some cunning scheme for shlib activation
that will result in a single, stable, sanely lifecycled "link the shlib
into only one process chosen at random and hope it survives for a while"
idea, to make shlib activation far more complex and error prone. I have
yet to hear it. Then again perhaps the whole world is looking pretty
brown from an australian perspective today so ... who can say.



[1] - of course, it's entirely possible there are still per-display
issues in there to be worked out as well; who knows.
 mmeeks gnu org  <><, Pseudo Engineer, itinerant idiot

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