Re: [Evolution-hackers] Thoughts on "Tasks"

On Wed, 2003-08-13 at 20:46, Morten Skarsholm Risager wrote:

> *A convenient way to "convert an email into a task" so that I can make
> notes below it.

I'd love to have this, it would be awesome. Well. actually something
like an ability to "attach" files to a task and a way to make an email
to a task, and an ability to have a binding in Nautilus to right click a
file -> Attach to a task or something.

As a matter of fact, have you seen Nat's "Dashboard"? Check out - it is somewhat related to this thing.

All in all it appears that there is a big need to *link* (or "associate"
like you said) different kinds of files and things together based on
some structures like projects or social groups etc..


Tuomas Kuosmanen <tigert ximian com>

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