Re: [evince] page numbers

On Wed, Oct 05, 2016 at 03:29:00PM +0000, mtsio wrote:
In some documents (e.g page
numbers are not in accordance to actual pages of the documents. evince
displays a counter from the start but some books don't start with page 1
but with roman letters or they don't count pages as the title, praise, etc.

Is possible to display the actual page number by displaying the text
itself? (At least for documents that the text is available.)

Evince already displays page labels; it can show i, ii, iii, iv in place
of the page numbers, but for it to work it needs to be supported by the
PDF.  The PDF needs to specify that certain page numbers should be shown
in roman numerals or arabic numbers and it looks like this PDF isn't
doing that.

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