Re: [evince] Evince highlighting feature

Hi, we already have a highlighting pdf feature.


On Thu, May 19, 2016 at 8:45 AM, Eberhard <e_berhard gmx de> wrote:
Dear Evince team,
thanks for your great work to develop a lean, stable, elegant Linux pdf

Here comes a small proposal for a - as we think - highly relevant
feature for daily work, after having talked to some friends.

We really often work on pdf essays and articles as source for our own
work. Therefor we usually highlight pdf texts to avoid printing all the
papers, that works well. But if you don't like the Adobe reader (because
it's not open and much too heavy) and can't use Okular (because it's KDE
and heavy), there's actually no Linux pdf reader with an option to
save highlighted texts. Or are we wrong?

So, our proposal is to include in Evince a small feature to highlight
pdf texts (with at least yellow, two or some more colours would be
better) and to save them as a copy.

Unfortunately, I've no idea how complicated (or resource-hungry) this
is, but it would be a really useful and desired progress.
What do you think?

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