Re: [evince] Remove entries from recent loaded list

On Tue, 2015-06-23 at 23:04 +0200, Cecil Westerhof wrote:
Is there a way to remove entries from the recent loaded list?


No directly from Evince UI.  Because Evince relies on GtkRecentManager,
you can use Nautilus to do that (or write a script if you feel inclined
to do that).

For example, in Nautilus it would be something like:

1. Open Nautilus
2. Press Ctrl+L (to get the focus in the URL)
3. Enter "recent:///" without the quotation mark.

That will show you the recent files.  Right click on the icon you want
to remove, and you should see an entry "Remove from Recent".

Germán Poo-Caamaño

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