Re: [evince] Academic writers using Gnome


Am 23.09.2014 01:02, schrieb Udvarias Ur:

2. Deciding how to collaborate

As I see it there are 2 ways that these tools could be used.
  1. ALL collaborators work on a single copy of a document. (They would have to do so in series.)

  2. Each collaborator works on a separate copy of the document. (In parallel.)
         Then one of the collaborators integrates all the changes and/or suggestions into one document.
(I do not see how more than one collaborator could work on a single document simultaneously even if the document was in a location that could be accessed by all. Even )

in google docs many users can simultaneously modify one document. I've done this many times and it's working.
Every document shouldn't be obliged to be on google servers so I also think that it would be great to have this functionality in one of my favourite text tools. Personally I rather expect this in LibreOffic/openOffice than in Evince.


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