[evince] Fwd: Ink Annotations Toy Implementation

I answered why poppler core i not used. Yes, having to copy some of the
things back and forth is cumbersome, we welcome any nice idea on how to make
it better, but there are smoe reasons I can't remember now why this was the
way to go. Also rememeber that Evince is quite an old beast, and why it
would make sense to rewrite some of it using new patterns and trying to do
some zero-copy thingie, the fact is that we just have the manpower to do
proper maintainership (Carlos does a great job on it)! and slowly add new
features :)

I am personally not a big fan of GObject. But here's a suggestion:
since (a) annotations are meant to be manipulated (b) the PDF spec
should be quite stable for annotations, therefore (c) the classes that
describe annotation structure (Annot, AnnotMarkup, AnnotInk, ...) and
their main auxiliary data types (AnnotBorder, AnnotBorderStyle, etc.)
should be exported out of poppler core.

In fact, all structures that describe the PDF *document* should be
stable and exported/exportable, no? Similar to how web browsers export
the DOM even though beneath the hood they are rapidly evolving

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