Re: [evince] Ink Annotations Toy Implementation

On Wed, 2014-12-10 at 10:22 +0100, Daniel Sim wrote:
Hi all,

I have been working recently on a toy project to get ink annotations
working in Evince.

My end goal is actually to develop a Cairo-based alternative to
Xournal (which is currently based on the obsoleted libgnomecanvas and
doesn't do cool stuff like highlights properly).

To this end, I have done the following

- Implemented a loose quadtree
( for ink
annotation segments
- Added Ink Annotation support to Poppler-glib

The code can be found at:

It would good be great if you can add it also in poppler-glib-demo
(glib/demo). That helps to test it without relaying on evince, and it
can help other developers to know how to use the API.

At its current state, you can click on ink annotations and modify
their contents. You cannot select annotations or draw new annotations

For drawing new annotations, I would recommend you to implement it in
poppler-glib-demo first.  The scope is narrowed and it easier to debug.
Once you get it done, you can replicate it in evince, which might
require some extra adjustments.

At this point, I would like to ask the more experienced developers how
to progress from here.

- To meet my goal, I need extensions to PDF -- variable line width,
different compositing operators (multiply for highlights). Is this a
viable alternative? Could it be saved as a different file format, e.g.
"PDF with Evince annotations"?

- It boggles my mind that Evince uses the poppler_glib backend, which
is itself an intermediate layer written in C to the C++ poppler
backend. The poppler_glib backend is not complete. The reason I
mention this is that it would be nice to be able to write the
abstraction layers once and not twice -- once for poppler_glib and
once for evince. In any case, the files in backend/pdf are written in
C++, so I why wasn't the Poppler C++ backend used here? This is just
an annoying detail.

For developers familiar with glib, poppler-glib is more glib-ish or
predictable, if you like.  And the use of poppler-glib is not limited
only to Evince.

- I foresee having to rewrite the hit-detection to use a quadtree

Ink annotations (as well as circles, polygons etc. if they are
implemented in the future) are quite a different beast from nice
rectangles, because selecting them requires clicking on their *filled*
sections and not simply on their bounding boxes.

Anything that fits in the Rect defined for each annotation type.  I
would not worry about this at this stage.  At least not before adding
new annotations :-)

Germán Poo-Caamaño

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