[evince] Google summer of code, looking for students, call for help

Hey List, 

as you might have noticed, we are currently lacking man power for improving evince at a faster speed, as many of the developers are quite busy with other projects (they just volunteer for evince). That's why I am sending this email. I would be quite interested in mentoring one project about evince  for next google Summer of Code. The big problem is that the PDF spec has a steep learning curve, so the interested students should start reading about it, and try to learn the code in poppler and evince much before the Summer of Code period begins (in this period, I would not expect that a student is capable of learning all that there is to know, so probably a student without previous knolwedge would just fail his SoC project, which is not what we want!) Also to note is that students that are already involved with the community have higher chances of getting their project accepted when the decision is made (but we can't guarantee that we will get any evince's project accepted).

So, if you happen to be/know any prospective students, ideally already familiar with PDF spec and/or Gtk and or Evince, it would be great to start thinking about a project that you would work on the summer. 

I have diverse ideas for projects:
- Add support for adding annotations (we only support text annotations right now),
- Improve form support, 
- Add support for playing movies, sounds inside a pdf,
- Adding _javascript_ support, 
- Dual screen presentation mode, 
- Name your idea here,
- etc...

In general, any long awaited feature would be great as a SoC. From the ideas above, the support for playing movies has a very rough and very hacky patch, using gstreamer, that could be a base for the project, and also it's a project where most (if not all) the parts in poppler (our pdf library) are already there, so internal knowledge of the PDF spec  is less important for this project to succeed. But also it is not so important as adding highlighting annotations support, which is probably the most wanted feature in evince right now. 

So, if you are interested by this email, just reply to me in private. 





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