[evince] Evince bug: no pages in document


Thank you for evince. I use this application as I prefer open source software and evince usually works very nicely. Nevertheless, please allow me to report a bug.

I use Document Viewer 2.32.0 with poppler/cairo (0.16.4) on Ubuntu 11.04 and gnome 2.32.1. The attached pdf document (downloaded from http://www.ubs.com/ch/de/swissbank/private/families_couples.html, then click 'UBS Family' in upper right corner of web page) does not open correctly, instead evince says "Das Dokument enthält keine Seiten" (= the document does not contain pages). The same document opens correctly with Adobe Acrobat Reader 9 for Linux, version 9.4.2 02/11/2011.

Kind regards

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Attachment: 164787_20090324_Brosch_Family_Jan09_D_ohne%20Talon.pdf
Description: Adobe PDF document

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