evince Undesirable Feature Found using Evince.

To whom it may concern,

I opened a pdf document using Evince. I have the side pane visible with thumbnails displayed with a width of one thumbnail.

For instance, if I select page 13 and and I increase the width of the side pane to 3 thumbnails wide, Evince will display in the side pane page 39, so to say.

Please see attached jpegs files for before and after visual.

I know that this is a low priority logic error/feature; hence, please use this information as you see fit.

If you have any questions or comments, please contact me at your earliest convenience.

Stephen Dittoe
9234 Theysen
Houston, TX 77080

Attachment: After.png
Description: PNG image

Attachment: Before.png
Description: PNG image

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