Re: evince -2.32 new features

Excerpts from Pablo Rodríguez's message of jue oct 07 16:02:37 +0200 2010:
> Hi there,
> I have downloaded the latest version of Ubuntu 10.10 only to test the 
> new features in evince-2.32 (using poppler-0.14.3).
> Congratulations for the new release, but I'm afraid I have found the 
> following issues:
> Zooming cannot be higher than 400% (which is the maximum in version 2.30).

Well, it depends on the document, now the pixbuf cache is dynamic,
so the maximum zoom level depends on the page size. For example, with
this document[1] where the page size is really small, you can zoom up to
6400%. Maybe we could increase the cache size so that for documents
with usual page sizes like letter or A4 you can get higher zoom

> There is no way to add annotations to PDF documents.

You need a newer poppler, 0.15.x

> I have already reported this before: 
> contains an annotation on the first page. It is open, but somehow evince 
> doesn't display it (acroread displays it fine).

I can see the annot, but not the popup window, I don't know why,
though. The annot is not clickable because the area is empty, see how
the annot rectangle is defined: 

/Rect [ 66.663 622.572 66.663 622.572 ] /Subtype /Text /Type /Annot

this means x1 = x2 and y1 = y2.

> Am I missing something or am I doing something wrong?
> Thanks for your excellent work,

Thanks, you feedback is always appreciated.

> Pablo


Carlos Garcia Campos
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