Re: bug report: only partial pdf1.6 content is visible with evince

Carlos Garcia Campos wrote, on 23-06-10 19:34:
> Excerpts from Jelle de Jong's message of mié jun 23 18:28:19 +0200 2010:
>> Carlos Garcia Campos wrote, on 23-06-10 16:59:
>>> Could you provide a screenshot showing the problem? That document
>>> seems to work perfectly for me. 
>> $ evince --version
>> GNOME Document Viewer 2.30.1
> I don't know what the problem is, but it works for me. Try upgrading
> poppler and cairo. 

Thanks for testing. I am running debian unstable and upgrading poppler
and cairo will mean manual compilation. I hope I can wait until the
next release and hope it works then. The problem is also present in
Ubuntu 10.04, so I will wait until new package versions being released.

If the problem is still there in the next Ubuntu release I will
contact the evince mailing list again.

Thanks in advance,

With kind regards,

Jelle de Jong

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