Re: toolbar preferences not persistant 2.30.1

On Fri, 9 Jul 2010, Carlos Garcia Campos wrote:

Excerpts from Freddie's message of vie jul 09 12:24:27 +0200 2010:
On Fri, 9 Jul 2010, Carlos Garcia Campos wrote:

Excerpts from Freddie's message of jue jul 08 23:12:12 +0200 2010:
On Sun, 27 Jun 2010, Freddie wrote:

I'm using 2.30.1 on debian unstable and the visibility of the toolbar/side
panel is not persisting per document (and I would like to be able to set
defaults, which I can't). I've seen bug but this states that the
issue has been fixed in 2.30.1. I've tried using gnome-settings-daemon which
doesn't look necessary and that didn't help.

Is there anything I'm not understanding? Is this resolved in later versions?

Debian unstable has just pushed evince 2.30.3 out but the situation
remains the same. While the side bar no longer appears at startup my
preferences are not persistent. Your help would be appreciated.

See bug

This bug seems to be discussing having default settings for opening new
documents. While I applaud that discussion that isn't my problem. If I
open a new document, configure it how I wish, close it, and then re-open
it I need to re-configure evince (that is, my PER-DOCUMENT settings do not

What gvfs version do you have? is the gvfsd-metadata daemon running?

A good question! I hadn't realised that gvfs was responsible for saving the settings. Now it's installed evince works perfectly. Many thanks!




Carlos Garcia Campos
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