Re: Why does selecting text in presentation mode select all text?

On Fri, 2009-12-25 at 05:35 +0100, Sascha Heid wrote:
> Is there a reason why selecting text in presentation mode immediately
> selects all text of the page?

I don't know, I've realised of that yesterday too. In my opinion, this
is a bug, not a feature, so I've opened a bug report for this, #605554.

> On a Tablet-PC (or other pen-driven device) this makes
> presentation-mode impossible to use because you can not just click
> with a pen without also moving it and thus you end up selecting all
> text instead of going forward/backward in the document.

AFAIK, you can control the presentation mode with the arrow keys and
with the mouse right and left buttons. 

Because I think there is no way to control the presentation from a
only-touchscreen device with these alternatives I've opened another bug
report #605557 for adding new control options compatible with
touchscreens, eg. touch right or below areas for moving forward and left
or above aread for moving backward and/or adding buttons like flickr.


   -- Juanjo Marín

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