Hy list, first of all thanks for the great software evince. It's very nice and in my opinion much better than the acroread. But there is one point which confuse me when I print out a PDF file which was produced with pdflatex by myself. The Problem are the Hyperlinks inside the document. In LaTeX you can set the color for links or use the normal fontcolor and get some colored frame around the text which is the link. Normally this frame is only visible when you view the document on screen. And not printed out on paper. Acroread don't print these frames, but evince does it. (It's the same PDF file) So is this a (known) bug? Regards, Andreas -- Andreas Rütten mailto : AndreasRuetten gmx de PGP DSA/1024, C1CC335C, A655 0268 CEA6 A3DA 30AA D356 A450 30BD C1CC 335C --
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