Re: Still Font Discrepancies?

2007-03-27 klockan 20:55 skrev Pat Suwalski:
> I was surprised that when I opened it in Evince, I was getting the 
> incorrect font, compared to acroread (also attached).
> I haven't seen this sort of font substitution glitch in some time, so I 
> thought I would bring it up.
> Is the PDF using some proprietary font technology or something?

The file references these fonts (see the document properties dialog, second

  - GillSans-Bold
  - GaramondITCbyBT-BookCondensed
  - Helvetica-Compressed
  - Helvetica-Compressed-Light

However, none of these fonts (or a subset) is embedded in the document,
causing Evince to fallback to regular FontConfig font lookups. It is likely
you don't have these fonts on your system (try with fc-list), so you end up
with whatever the default is (most likely Bitstream Vera or DejaVu). Since
the metrics for this font do not match the metrics of the actually intended
fonts, you get horizontal shifting effects: overlapping letters and ugly

So, in order to see the document correctly, you have two options:

  1. Convince the author to embed the fonts. Most likely the problem didn't
     show on the machine the file was created on, since it had the correct
     fonts installed.
  2. Get yourself the fonts and hope that they have the correct names :)

Hope this helps...

  mvrgr, Wouter

:wq                                                       mail uws xs4all nl

it's the last day on earth :: we'll never say goodbye      -- marilyn manson

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