strange behaviour of scrolling


There is a strange behaviour when scrolling through a document in continuous mode in Evince. I have a PDF document with an index. Whenever I switch to a different page in the document, if this page contains an index entry, for instance a section title, then the page is automatically scrolled to put this title at the top of the window. If the title is at the bottom of the page, it means that the top of the page is not shown unless I scroll back, which is particlarly annoying.

The same behaviour happens when reloading a document: if the page that occupies the middle of the display window contains an indexed title, then the view port is moved after reloading so the the title is at the top of the page.

This only happens for documents with an index, of course. If this is a bug, then it should be fixed; if it is a feature (although I can't think of a situation when this would be useful), it should at least be made optional.

BTW, I use a CVS version that I compiled last december. I put a sample document at The bug does not seem to appear systematically, but using "reload" seems to help.

Emmanuel Beffara

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