Re: special chars

Am Montag, den 09.05.2005, 13:31 +0200 schrieb Martin Lučka:
> i checked the 0.3.0 and 0.1.5
> 	0.3.0 - this problem
> 	0.1.5 - none problem
> i have NOT reinstalled the poppler - so both packages using the same
> i reported a bug to poppler as u adviced me, but now it seems to be a  
> problem of evince not poppler

0.1.5 uses poppler with the original xpdf interfaces, and always uses
the "Splash" backend.

In 0.3.0, evince uses the new glib interfaces which hide some of the
complexity of the old interfaces. One thing that they hide is the choice
of backend. If cairo was available when poppler was built, the cairo
backend will be used automatically by poppler-glib.

That's probably why you get different results with one version of
poppler but different evinces.



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