Re: Expand/Collapse All feature

Jonathan Blandford wrote:
> I'd rather try for some heuristic here.  Maybe only expand if there are
> a few (like the PDF ref), and cap it if there are more than 10.
> Also, two other comments.  It seems like there's a bug with GTK+-HEAD,
> as it isn't expanding by default when building against 2.7.0.
> Additionally, the cool type-ahead feature in the location entry against
> GTK+-HEAD means that the index is slightly less important.
> Thanks,
> -Jonathan

Just noticed that there seems to be some kind of flag within a PDF
itself which hints about whether the bookmarks/index should be expanded
and to what level.  I noticed this when playing with the hyperref
package in LaTeX; it has several options such as bookmarksopen, and

Adobe's reader seems to follow these hints, but evince does not.
Would this be a desired feature?

Brent Smith <gnome nextreality net>

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