Re: Expand/Collapse All feature

Jonathan Blandford wrote:
> Brent Smith <gnome nextreality net> writes:
>>   I would like to propose an additional "collapse/expand all" feature
>>for evince. Currently when opening large PDF files, such as the
>>j2eetutorial[1], and selecting the index option, the tree has all
>>top level indices expanded.  This makes nagivation a little harder,
>>and it would be nice if there was an easy way to expand or collapse
>>all of the tree.
>>I'm not very knowledgeable regarding HIG issues, but would an option
>>in a right-click context menu make sense?  Or would this be better
>>suited for the "View" menu?
>>I'm by no means an experienced GNOME hacker, but I can try to hack
>>up a patch for this.  However, I'd like to get a little discussion going
>>about where the most appropiate place for this feature is.
>>I would like to also file a bug/feature request in bugzilla for this.
>>I assume the GNOME bugzilla is the best place to do this? (I understand
>>the project used to be hosted at freedesktop)
> Try Shift left/right.  I really don't want to add a button for this
> feature.
> -Jonathan

This seems to work for each top-level entry, but what about collapsing
all the top level entries?  The j2ee tutorial has something like 35

If nothing else, how about a gconf key to control whether or not to
start with all the top-level entries expanded or collapsed?  I can
understand wanting to keep the UI minimal.


Brent Smith <gnome nextreality net>

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