Unpredictable long delays with images

I ctrl-leftclick on an image link to open a new tab to
view an image from a web site.  The tab opens right away,
often the image loads in a couple of seconds, but sometimes
it takes up to 10 seconds to load.  Do image after image
from same site, maybe 2/3 will load in 2 seconds, 1/3 will
load in 10 seconds.

Right-click on an image and select "Save As".  Often
the Save As dialog will open right away, but sometimes
it takes 5-10 seconds before opening.

How can I get a debug log that shows these behaviors,
and maybe try to figure out why they're happening ?
It would be nice to know if they are due to network operations
or filesystem operations or something inside epiphany (I
can't image what).  Are there any app-level debug-log options ?
The GDK and GTK debug flags all are too low-level.

I'm using Web 3.36.1 on Ubuntu GNOME 20.04.


Bill Dietrich
bill billdietrich me

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