On Mon, 10 Sep 2018 13:55:55 -0600, Leonid Isaev via epiphany-list <epiphany-list gnome org> wrote:
On Mon, Sep 10, 2018 at 02:45:07PM -0500, Michael Catanzaro wrote:On Sat, Sep 8, 2018 at 1:22 PM, Leonid Isaev via epiphany-list <epiphany-list gnome org> wrote:I thought settings are also stored in ~/.config or similar $XDG dirs, so I kept ~/.config/dconf/user and removed ~/{.config,.local/share,.cache}/{epiphany,webkitgtk}. However, correct settings are still loaded on epiphany startup. But how is that possible? Does it access dconf DB directly without dbus?Hi, That would be my guess.Interestingly, epiphany can read dconf settings, but not write...
Writes to configuration are done through D-Bus to avoid race conditions which may arise when more than a process is trying to write the same setting: this ensures that concurrent access is never done because requests coming from the bud are handled serially. Also, D-Bus is used to notify of settings updates, so it just fits well that all writes go through a single place. FWIW, reading is done directly by each process because fetching settings is a much more common operation, often done repeatedly, and in that case it makes sense to avoid a roundtrip through D-Bus.
To find out for sure, you would need a deeper investigation into GSettings and dconf. I would ask on desktop-devel-list gnome org; maybe somebody there would know.Thanks, I will.
I tried to find the documentation where I read about what I have described above, but seems gone from the Internet ~_~ Cheers, -Adrián
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