Re: GSoC Project: Archive Integration


On Sun, 2013-07-28 at 17:47 +0800, 藍挺瑋 wrote:
Hi, I am Ting-Wei Lan. I am working on the Google Summer of Code
project to integrate archives support into GNOME.

It looks really nice! I was not aware of this project. Who is mentoring
you? I have a couple of comments/questions.

There is some information about the project:
1. Google Melange project page:

1) Have you been in touch with the GNOME design team? It would be great
if you can comment with them aspects related to user experience and the

Automatic archives extraction for Epiphany is almost completed now! It
can detect whether a file is an archive,
and automatically create necessary directories with correct names. My
code is available at the following sites:

2) I think that instead of adding a separate directory with the
functionality, it would make more sense to integrate your work into the
epiphany source tree, following the code structure as it's indicated in . But before doing this, I
would recommend you to check the part (1).

Then you could open a bug report and post your patches there, so that we
can eventually merge the code into ephy master.

All codes related to archives are in the `autoarchive' directory. It
does not depend on Epiphany, so it can be used in other projects.

It would be wise to take all code that can be reused in other projects
out of epiphany and make it a standalone library or part of an existing
one where it would make sense. You should probably discuss this with
your mentor to find the most suitable path.

Thank you!


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