Re: Shelling Epiphany

Hi Maciej,

Thanks for your comments.
> What does constitute single app?

It's up to the user as she will be able to "applify" any website.
A lot of sites offer more than just data visualization, and have strong
behaviour logic (whether on the client- or server-side, that doesn't
really matter).
But I'd say the criterias for "real" apps apply here too:
An application is a tool helping in the realization of a certain task by
automatizing...blablabla... :)
GMail, Bugzilla, Identica, Twitter, Google Docs, Horde Mail, and
so many more appear to me as good candidates.

> And as person who have 5-50 tabs opened at the same time - won't it
> clutter interface?
Apps could be tabbed (or whatever comes from the discution thread) too:
all your Bugzilla opened pages would be grouped in one application for
That would actually make switching to a specific bug: alt-tab (or
overview) to your Bugzilla application, then find the corresponding tab,
instead of looking in a crazy long tabs' notebook in the browser (not
mentioning the searched tab might not be visible at first).

> I would disagree. The tabbing is additional to windows not a substitute.

A needed complimentary in current desktops, we agree here.
But I am pretty sure a more clever shell/wm could alleviate such a

> It may be substitute to workspaces+windows though but still there is a
> difference:
>  - Workspaces usually have up to 3 windows of the same application at
> which point it IMHO breaks under the complexity of managing (ideally 3
> windows at all) with no particular order
> - Tabs usually have >5 tabs usually organised by some means. For
> example it have blog post #1, response to blog post #1, response to
> response to blog post #1... Also they may be much more short lived.

Yup, but if you think in term of apps, instead of website, you can
spread them on different topic-orented workspaces, for example:
- GMail and Twitter *applications* in your communication one, neighbours
to Empathy
- LiveJournal and/or b.g.o applications in a "Blogging" workspace
- Google Docs and LibreOffice on office
- you get the idea

Again, each of those apps can be tabbed (or windows grouped or whatever)

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