API to get some properties of bookmarks


Is there any epiphany API to get properties of bookmarks like time it got created, time it got modified?

I use this:
EphyBookmarks *bookmarks;
EphyNode *smart_bmks, *bmk;
bookmarks = ephy_shell_get_bookmarks (ephy_shell_get_default ());
        smart_bmks =  ephy_bookmarks_get_bookmarks (bookmarks);

        if (smart_bmks != NULL) {
                LOG ("There is something here!! \n ");
                children = ephy_node_get_children (smart_bmks);

                for (i=0; i < children->len; i++)
                        bmk = g_ptr_array_index (children, i);
                        LOG ("i value is :%d", i);
                        long int lastVisit, firstVisit;
                        lastVisit = ephy_node_get_property_int (bmk, EPHY_NODE_PAGE_PROP_LAST_VISIT);
                        firstVisit = ephy_node_get_property_int (bmk, EPHY_NODE_PAGE_PROP_FIRST_VISIT);
                        LOG ("the last visit is %ld, %ld",  lastVisit, firstVisit);
But it prints me -1 .
How can I get the value of contentCreated and time last modified?
I also saw that ~/.gnome2/ephy-history.xml does have the first visit and last visit time in epoch seconds.
Am I using the wrong macros to retrieve the value?


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