Re: epiphany-list Digest, Vol 51, Issue 5

Hmm, mixed feelings on this.  On the one hand, easily accessible
extensions are a big part of what has made Firefox so successful, but
on the other Epiphany is built on the idea of sane integration, and
this sort of thing requires bypassing the package management system.
I would prefer seeing some sort of basic functionality built in plus
handlers for the major PM types, such as the relatively new apt-url in
Debian/Ubuntu that would accomplish both things.  (No idea what
equivalents are available for RPM and others at this time.)

I'm no dev so forgive me if I am total wrong here, but isn't this exactly kind of thing what packagekit and policykit were designed for?
Is there a way this could be implemented for the distributions which support packagekit and optional in the USE flags?

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