Re: New Extensions - Tabs on Treeview

On 4/11/07, Steve Frécinaux <nudrema gmail com> wrote:
On Tue, 2007-04-10 at 03:10 +0000, kevin michel wrote:
> Hi,
> I'm currenly working on a new extension replacing tabs with a sidebar.
> I think this may interest people with lots of tabs, I found it scales
> better with more than 10 tabs
> and allow faster visual scanning and reordering (less distances
> between tabs). It's not really better than tabs on the left though,
> except it's more compact and visually lighter.

That's actually a pretty good idea, exactly the same reason why the
document list exists in gedit :D

>  * Incompatible with the Sidebar extension

To fix it, I think someone should implement a side pane for epiphany,
actually integrating the sidebar extension into the core. That side pane
would actually be a bit different from what the one from gedit does, for
instance, in the sense that it should be able to handle both extensions
and bookmarked sidebars. I think it's the only simple and sane way to
make the sidebar available for extensions in epiphany (another way would
be to bring a full-blown extension dependency system)

>  * The close button is in a place we expect it to close the sidebar,
> not the current tab.
>     I don't know where to put the "close current tab" button(s),
> horizontal space is not cheap

Maybe you just don't need it ; use a context menu instead.

The context menu already exists but it's hard to use if you want to
close many tabs at a time.
Combined with the Close button in toolbar from the OnlyOneCloseButton this need

BTW did you look at the gedit implementation of such a sidebar ? (it
lies in /gedit/gedit/gedit-document-list.c in SVN) It brings a few
desirable features like document reordering (which is in turn reflected
in the tab order, and the other way), and is implemented in C.

The extension already has reordering ( and synchronised with tabs ).


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