Re: What is Epiphany's role now?

This isn't a Firefox discussion list, so I'll be really brief ...

On Apr 4, 2007, at 2:57 AM, Christopher Aillon wrote:
I've heard several reasons so far as to why Firefox is not free (offline, not necessarily in this thread).

- Non free branding forces people to verify change with upstream. In order to get the branding, a build flag must explicitly be turned on. It is _not_ branded by default. If this is an issue for people, do not turn on the build flag.

Bingo. While Firefox is not Free, Bon Echo etc are. But again, if it's not branded as Firefox, distributors have lost the brand they cared about in the first place. (And again, I understand perfectly why Mozilla have done this. I am not using "not Free" as an insult, and I have no suggestion for what they could do differently. As Free Software becomes more popular, more ISVs will run into the same problem. Perhaps a "you must rename derivative works" restriction needs to be allowed for in Free Software licenses, as it is currently for Bitstream Vera.)

Matthew Paul Thomas

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