Re: [lists04 fastmail fm: Re: punctuation in Epiphany]

On Thu, Sep 14, 2006 at 09:55:51 +0200, Wouter Bolsterlee wrote:
>På Thu, Sep 14, 2006 at 07:55:08AM +0100, Magnus Therning skrev:

Shouldn't it be "..., skrev Magnus Therning:"? :-)

>> Mark Grieveson wrote:
>> > Hello.  On some pages, quotation marks and apostrophes are not rendered 
>> > with Epiphany browser on my computer.  Most frequently this occurs on
>> > large sites which use a content management system of some sort.  For
>> > example, the Toronto Star's site, at  The cover-page is
>> > fine, but links to the various stories are not properly displayed by
>> > Epiphany.  I use Epiphany version, on Etch.
>> > 
>> > Is there a way to correct this?  A package I could install, or
>> > something?  Note, these pages display fine on Firefox, but I prefer
>> > Epiphany.
>> Now that you point it out I see the problem too when using Epiphany
>> 2.14.3 (Sid). There are some "UTF" like codes which are displayed. The
>> codes change to "normal" characters when the Text Encoding is changed to
>> "Western (Windows-1252)" from the one detected by default - Western
>> (ISO-8859-1).
>I guess the characters are U+0091 (PRIVATE USE 1) and U+0092 (PRIVATE
>USE 2), which are used in the cp-12523 (windows) character set to
>encode curly opening and closing quote characters. These characters are
>not compatible with iso8859-1 (nor UTF-8).

Yes, I see 0092 and also 0093 and 0094.

>The correct fix would be to convince the document authors to use either
>entities (‘ and ’) or the correct quote characters (refer
>to the unicode charts for the exact character; I'm too lazy to check
>this right now).

Changing the content-type to charset=windows-1252 also seems to do it.
Interestingly Firefox doens't have a problem with this.  I suspect it's
treating iso-8859-1 as windows1252, since either of those encodings
display it properly. However, changing to iso8859-15 results in
diamond-shaped characters.  Kind of funny.


Magnus Therning                             (OpenPGP: 0xAB4DFBA4)
magnus therning org             Jabber: magnus therning gmail com

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